
Donate ✩

Help Fund Our Next Album!

Crossing the Rubicon

~ Coming Soon! ~

Fundamentally Sound’s next big album is nearly here! But we need your help to finalize it!


All Donors will receive the following rewards based on the amount donated.

Higher donation amounts also include all previous rewards.


Every donor:

A Signed Digital Card from the Members of Fundamentally Sound

$50 or more:

A Digital Download of Crossing the Rubicon

$100 or more:

A Physical Copy of Crossing the Rubicon

$150 or more:

A personalized Song Sung to You by the Members of Fundamentally Sound

$200 or more:

A Fundamentally Sound T-Shirt

$250 or more:

An Exclusive Crossing the Rubicon T-Shirt

$500 or more:

A Pair of Suspenders - Signed by the Members of Fundamentally Sound

Ready to Donate?